How to Book
Make sure you enter your contact number when filling out your form. We'll call you back as soon as possible to answer any questions and confirm your booking.
Choose your Course
Go to 'Available Courses' and choose which course you would like to book. If you are unsure, please don't hesitate to get in touch, we're here to help!
Fill in the Form
Should you wish to book, or just enquire, please enter as much information as you have in our contact form,
We'll Call You Back
Red Rose First Aid Training provide fully accredited (OFQUAL) first aid training courses to businesses, groups and individuals throughout the UK.
We regularly work with local authorities, members of the public and companies in industries including education, catering, construction, and more.
Our courses are a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical sessions, designed to give you the ability and practical confidence to protect your family, friends, colleagues, and members of the community.
Why Choose Red Rose First Aid?
We provide flexible training and curriculum's that vary in length to suit your requirements. We offer 1 - 3 day first aid courses, as well as programmes up to 12 hours, 6 hours or 3 hours.
This makes it easier for HR, Health and Safety, and Training and Compliance Managers to arrange sessions around their different needs and availability.
With plenty of training courses across the UK, including a full assortment of first aid courses, we enable hundreds of people to be the difference in their workplace and outside of work.
Red Rose First Aid Training's attention to service and detail has made us an industry leader. With a wide range of training courses to choose from, you're sure to find exactly what you're looking for! If you require assistance, our qualified staff will provide you with expert guidance. We're looking forward to working with you!
First Aid Courses
What To Expect From Your Course
Red Rose First Aid runs courses for big businesses and individual members of the public. The way we do this is by running closed courses (on-site, if you have room) for bigger businesses, and running open courses for individuals and small business that only have a couple of staff that need to attend a course.
If you have booked onto an open course, you can expect to attend along with up to 11 other people. Most people don't know each other, however everyone is here to learn, so there's nothing to be nervous about! Teas and coffees will be supplied, but please make sure to bring your own lunch.